It’s Because We’re Sitting Still

For sure we never would have chosen the month of November to pick up the camper trailer, but that's the way it worked out after all. Monday was that red letter day - a day that had been penciled in and scratched out many, many times.

I have to admit that a few things have caused me a little concern while anticipating this event: my hands (not strong enough), knee (when I don't treat it well it pays me back) and Andrea's camper-pulling skills (no previous experience). I want to be a help, not a hindrance, after all. Turn those worries into prayers, as they say, and I continued doing just that when I prayed Monday morning.

This year I've used a Bible app devotional for my morning 'quiet time' called Bible in One Year 2022 with Nicky Gumbel - Classic. There is a phenomenon that occurs when you really begin to read the Bible in faith, look for answers, and intentionally open yourself up to what scripture teaches about God and what He can mean in our lives. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes the words seem so profoundly personal and precisely timed that they become faith-builders immediately. And sometimes it simply brings a smile and feels as if God must have a sense of humor. At the very least, for those who don't see spiritual things as I do, this is a great 'coincidence' and always much appreciated by the reader. The reading for Monday, November 14, included Hebrews 12:12,13 which reads:"Therefore, lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed." So... I smiled, relaxed and quit worrying about Worry #1 and Worry #2, reminded that half the work in that answered prayer will be my own! I could then focus on Concern #3. I prayed a lot for Andrea's confidence, a clear mind, safe roads and for all drivers on the road to be cautious, including Andrea! Everything went smoother than we could ever imagine. We pulled into a church parking lot for her to practice what she had learned online, then headed to the campsite. Practice is one thing, but there was honestly a little nervous tension until we reached the campsite... That is, until she backed in as if she had done it all her driving life. What a huge relief and a great end to our special day!

But the day wasn't over. We left our truck with the camper, and drove home together in our SUV. Freeway traffic was heavy. Caution didn't seem to be the priority of most drivers. For unknown reasons, everyone began braking and while Andrea safely avoided hitting anyone ahead of us, someone rear-ended us. We pulled over to the side, as did the man in the truck who hit us, and one witness. As we sat there on the I-270 bridge, amazed and deeply grateful that no one was injured, I just could not believe how cars continued to zoom by. Three cars stopped on the side but traffic didn't even slow.

I kept saying "These cars are flying. Where is everyone going? and what is the hurry to get there?!"

Cambryn said, "We're just noticing it because we're sitting still, Nana."

Isn't that just another simple but profound truth that comes from a child, though? How true that when we are in that fast-lane keeping pace, we don't consider much except the need to get there. But we sure got a loud, crushing reminder that night to slow down, to protect our time, and our people when we can. There are some things in life that we can't prevent no matter what, but when things are in our control, let's take it nice and slow, and enjoy the ride. Maybe even make the choice to just sit still.


Standby For Hope


galilee whispers